What social/environmental causes are they aligned with and how do they communicate this to their consumers?

Topic: LEGO Brand Analysis (REVISION) ESSAY. Can you provide an additional example to illustrate how Lego uses the societal marketing concept? What social/environmental causes are they aligned with and how do they communicate this to their consumers? Can you elaborate on the impact of the macro-environment on their business practices? Can you elaborate on the […]

What’s Lego’s strategy circa 2002 (i.e., pre-Knudstorp)? What’s the “new business model” that Knudstorp referred to on p.2?  Why is that important to rebuilding Lego?Discuss

What’s Lego’s strategy circa 2002 (i.e., pre-Knudstorp)? What’s the “new business model” that Knudstorp referred to on p.2?  Why is that important to rebuilding Lego? How has Lego’s strategy evolved to take on this new business model? Evaluate this strategy using the framework(s) discussed in this session’s lecture and/or text chapters. What information technologies were […]