How would you defend the truth of this lesson from those who disagree and believe the lesson is not important?

“The forces that interact to produce sexual behavior can be lumped into three broad categories: psychological variables, cultural and societal factors, and biological and evolutionary influences” (Lehmiller, 2017). Lehmiller, Justin J.. The Psychology of Human Sexuality, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2017. ProQuest Ebook Central, Use the quote above as your topic, and write […]

How would you defend the truth of this lesson from those who disagree and believe the lesson is not important?

“Sexual arousal is contingent upon the way your brain perceives a given sexual stimulus. It does not matter whether the most sensitive parts of your body are being touched, or how little clothing the person in front of you is wearing, because if your brain does not interpret that stimulus as arousing, you are unlikely […]