What is Macy’s mark-up, is $US dollars and %, on each pair of model 505 straight-leg, blank ink denim jeans for women from Levis Straus & Co sold at the suggested retail price?

Question 1 – Gross Margin and Mark-Up Understanding Distributor Impact on Your Profit You are the Sales Director of Microsoft’s Xbox division. Given the fact that Microsoft has some, but not many Microsoft branded/owned retail store locations, Microsoft has chosen to use marketing intermediaries including companies providing third-party logistics, warehousing, distribution, and retail sales. Distributors […]

How would you communicate about new features to customers?

Answer the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Respond to each of the following in a minimum of 175 words each. It will be run thru a checker, thanks. Complete the case study exercise, Communicating Value(attached). Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words each: 1.Based […]

How does apple’s differentiation strategy reflect its vision?

Apple Case Study 2  Read on 4&5 the hbr book and the apple case to answer the following questions below: 4.Building Your Company’s Vision (Book) By James C. Collins; Jerry I. Porras 5. Reinventing Your Business Model (Book) By Mark W. Johnson; Clayton M. Christensen; Henning Kagermann Business Strategy Apple Case: DifferentiationAssignment Questions 1. What […]