Who do you think her intended audience and purpose is for this talk?

Watch the following TED Talk,answer the following questions: How does language shape the way we think, according to the speaker? Who do you think her intended audience and purpose is for this talk? If you were to do a rhetorical analysis on, would you say she was successful in convincing her audience and getting her […]

How to Write About Her Immigrant World” by Min Jin Lee and “How Language Shapes the Way We Think” by Lera Boroditsky to support your writing.

You write a topic-centered essay of at least 500 words in response to this one question using direct quotations from “A Lifetime of Reading Taught Min Jin Lee How to Write About Her Immigrant World” by Min Jin Lee and “How Language Shapes the Way We Think” by Lera Boroditsky to support your writing. While […]