What is the lesson about-What does this lesson cover?

Aligning Standards and Learning Objectives Part 1: Lesson Plan Analysis Review the “COE Lesson Plan Example” located in topic Resources. On the “Aligning Standards and Learning Objectives” template, write 250-500 words, responding to the following prompts, as they relate to the lesson plan: What is the academic standard? What is the learning objective? Are the […]

What are other concepts children could learn from the lesson?

Initial Post In your initial post, you will design a STEM activity that you could use in an early childhood setting. State the name of the activity or lesson, what the lesson entails, and what you want children to learn. Explain how you will evaluate learning. Reply Post In your reply post, write a reflection […]

create a classical argument outline using your Research Argument topic.

Classical Argument Practice Consider your Research Argument topic. Let’s practice the classical argumentation style using your topic. This does not mean you are committed to using the Classical Argument to write you essay. However, it does bend your mind to considering a format that best suits your topic. Using the information provided in the lesson’s […]

Explain how the quote is significant to the theme, and how you can relate the message of the quote to yourself or to the world around you.

Choose one reading from the module. (Reading is below) From this reading, choose a quote that you feel is reflective of the lesson theme. The theme is argument writing. Explain how the quote is significant to the theme, and how you can relate the message of the quote to yourself or to the world around […]

How did you engage students of all backgrounds-abilities in learning-How did that learning influence your students?

Teacher Essay Describe a content lesson or unit that defines you as a teacher. How did you engage students of all backgrounds and abilities in learning? How did that learning influence your students? How are your beliefs about teaching demonstrated in this lesson or unit?  

Where are the the other 4 forms to be used in this unit of study?Discuss

This was professor feedback “Please leave the template in their original format. The columns here are less than 1 word in width, making it impossible to navigate. Where are the the other 4 forms to be used in this unit of study? Clarifying detail is needed in an assessment to describe the instrument and what […]