How might these effects have contributed to coffeehouses’ growing popularity?

In what ways were both Hobbes and Locke responding to the debate over political authority evident in Charles I’s trial? Use specific quotes from the sources (Hobbes’ Leviathan and Locke’s Second Treatise on Government) and… Correspond the date of their publications to what was happening in the English civil war at the time and up […]

What evidence could C.S. Lewis draw from “Leviathan” to support this description of the substance and implications of Hobbes’s argument?

After having read “The Abolition of Man,” by C.S Lewis and “Leviathan” by Thomas Hobbes this is the questioned probed: C.S. Lewis could argue that Thomas Hobbes is a “conditioner,” whose aim is (whether he avows it or not) the “Abolition of man.” What evidence could C.S. Lewis draw from “Leviathan” to support this description […]