Show the dipole moment of each bond and then predict the overall molecule as either being polar or nonpolar?

Chapter 4 Compounds and Their Formulas Homework 4 You must show your entire work on a separate sheet(s) of paper to get full credit. Chapter 4 Draw the Lewis dot structures for the following imaginary elements a. X, an element from the Group IA family b. Z, an element from the Group IIA family c. […]

Could other algorithms be used? If so, why should they not be used? Defend why your choice of algorithm would be used compared to others.

Listed below are topic(s) would like for each of you to discuss throughout the week. Refer to the textbook, weekly materials, and/or the GMC library when researching the topics for this Discussion Forum. Put your writing into your own words, do not copy directly from the source. If you incorporate external resources ( in your […]

Describe embedded systems and provide two examples of embedded systems within systems that you use.

For the Week 1 Exercises, you will complete and submit the following items. Chapter 1 (Computer Science Illuminated by Dale, Nell, Lewis, John) In Chapter 1 we look at the big picture of computing by learning about the layers of computing and how each layer will be covered in the book, which is where we […]

What should any discussion of death inspire-Why do so many individuals have a phobia about aging and dying? C.S.

Life and Death Compose an argument in which you either defend or criticize its importance to the well-being of society. The topic is life and death. What should any discussion of death inspire? Why do so many individuals have a phobia about aging and dying? C.S. Lewis once quipped that he did not have to […]

Compare and evaluate the persuasive strategies used by Levin and Cotton to persuade readers to their view

Description Journal 2 For this week’s journal entry, we will build on the “Questions” chapter from the last journal as we scaffold up to some more complex tools for our box of critical thinking strategies. This means we move on to the chapter on “Argument.” Read Kent Lewis’s introduction to the chapter, Michael Levin’s “The […]