Why is an adequate environment and system of internal control important for an organization in order to produce reliable financial statements?

Ethics writing assignments Writing Assignment 1: Now that we have completed chapters 1-4 you have been exposed to all four financial statements (Income Statement, Statement of Retained Earnings, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows,) the account types (Revenues, Expenses, Assets, Liabilities, and Equity,) and ideas about internal controls and ethics as they relate to […]

  What is the benefit of creating subtotals within assets and within liabilities to separate current from non-current?

Accounting Working capital (WC) may be negative if current liabilities (CL) exceed current assets (CA).   If this occurs, what does this indicate about the corporation’s financial position?  Is this a cause for concern?  How does your SEC 10-K company address this issue?  Do they discuss strategy for overcoming a negative working capital? The basic accounting […]

What liabilities or debts do you have that will effect this scenario? What are your sources for income? (wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, interest paid for sales of assets)

List your assets in the given scenario. What things could you potentially use as capital or collateral if necessary? What liabilities or debts do you have that will effect this scenario? What are your sources for income? (wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, interest paid for sales of assets) When calculating your net worth, do you have […]

Describe legal aspects and concepts in different types of design, engineering and construction contracts such as Contract Information, interpretation, rights and duties, changes, liabilitiesand responsibilities, professional ethics of architects, engineers, employers, and contractors

CLO1.Recognize the rights, duties and risks allocated to an architectural engineer in design and during the construction processin different types of international contracts.SO1, SO3 CLO2. Describe legal aspects and concepts in different types of design, engineering and construction contracts such as Contract Information, interpretation, rights and duties, changes, liabilitiesand responsibilities, professional ethics of architects, engineers, […]

Discuss the issues relating to GAAP, earnings, assets and liabilities reporting problems, etc.

Description Write a research paper on Enron Corporation non consolidating of Special Purpose Entity (VIE), (see page 216 Discussion Question and Chapter 6). Discuss the issues relating to GAAP, earnings, assets and liabilities reporting problems, etc. Reference your sources in a bibliography with footnotes. Approximately three pages of data,

Discuss the issues raised by having an apparent conflict between the application of IFRS with the benefits it provides with earnings management which is designed to avoid paying corporation tax liabilities.

Discuss the issues raised by having an apparent conflict between the application of IFRS with the benefits it provides with earnings management which is designed to avoid paying corporation tax liabilities. Consider if there is justification for allowing any form of earnings management within IFRS.