Do you see evidence of classical liberalism? Progressivism? Fascism? Why? 

2.4 Current Events and Ideologies Discussion Step 1- Look over the materials on different ideologies that are posted in this module. Watch the videos and read the readings first. Step 2-For this current events discussion, you must find a news article or editorial (from a reputable news sourceLinks to an external site.) from within the […]

Discuss the contributions and limitations of Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism in their explanations of global politics.

– Discuss the contributions and limitations of Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism in their explanations of global politics. Describe how each theory assigns importance to particular actors and processes. What other theoretical approaches address global politics? – The bulk of your answer should address the three main Global Politics theories identified in the beginning of the […]

Which view represents the Realistic view of trade and, which position reflects the Liberal view of trade?

Answer the first 3 questions on a page and a half Based upon the titles of the 2nd and 3rd videos what comes to mind and why? Realism, Mercantilism or Liberalism? The debate reflects different theoretical positions on China and the Dragon. Which view represents the Realistic view of trade and, which position reflects the […]

How did new enlightened thought transform the Western world from the age of absolutism to a period of revolution and liberalism?

PROMPT: How did new enlightened thought transform the Western world from the age of absolutism to a period of revolution and liberalism? Be sure to discuss purposes of the Enlightenment and major figures including Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau. How did their work influence the beginning of the Age of Revolution? Sources: 2. John Locke. Two […]

What is “power” in general, and why do we consider its division in the state so important?

Questions 1. Some people believe that the adoption of modern democracy requires the acceptance of the basic tenets of liberalism. Why is that the case? 2. Modern democracy is mostly representative, thus making the methods used to elect representatives especially important. Starting from these two observations, explain the link between representative democracy and electoral systems. […]

Identify and explain the focal points of disagreement between realism, liberalism, and historical structuralism.

Answer this QUESTION in 6 full pages: Three prominent International Relations theorists claim that “…the evolution of IPE [International Political Economy] is better described in terms of focal points of contestation [or disagreement]…than as an all-out war leading to the victory of one general orientation over another.” Identify and explain the focal points of disagreement […]

Discuss Are war and international conflict inevitable features of global politics?

Answer to the question: ‘Are war and international conflict inevitable features of global politics?’. Give all perspectives possible, focusing mainly on realism and liberalism and all of their sub-types (classical and neo for both) + offensive and deffensive.. everything) Make the essay not too descriptive, analyse a lot, answer to the question basically from the […]

Write a letter from Rawls to Mills (pretend you’re Rawls, responding to Mills’ concerns with difference-blind liberalism). Would you revise your theory?Discuss.

Write a letter from Rawls to Mills (pretend you’re Rawls, responding to Mills’ concerns with difference-blind liberalism). Would you revise your theory? (500 words) If so, how? Which of Mills’ concerns were most relevant and what changes would you need to make to ‘fix’ the theory? If not, why not? Defend yourself against his critique. […]