Identify two to three common threads that relate to the course textbook.

Topic: Service Blog You will be required to post two service blogs outlining and analyzing service encounters. After each service encounter is described, the experience will be analyzed in relation to the course and textbook chapter concepts. Each of us experiences service encounters including at restaurants, banks, airlines, phone and cable providers, on busses, at […]

How did this course challenge or change your perception of libraries and librarians? What did you think about librarians/libraries before you took this course? What do you think about them now? Make something up.

please write your responses to the following prompts in full sentences, starting a new paragraph for each prompt. You should write at least 6-8 sentences in response to each prompt. Do not use bullet points or number the paragraphs. 1) How did this course challenge or change your perception of libraries and librarians? What did […]