Find an article about the assessment not by the test authors and what they report about the assessment include any potential issues they found.

Risk Assessment Choose 1 risk assessment and answer the following questions: Risk assessments: -Risk assessment for violence within populations of those with serious mental illness. -Violence risk assessment of offenders who are facing capital punishment (death penalty). 1) Name of the assessment. 2) Purpose of the assessment and a brief description. (Use your book, library […]

Choose a public place such as a shopping mall, a library, a restaurant, or any other place where you are not participating in the activities you are observing.Describe The setting (layout of the space, arrangement of furniture, decor, “feel,” and so forth), The people (describe individuals and groups, detail behaviors) The action (what are the relationships between people and/or groups?).

Description Choose a public place such as a shopping mall, a library, a restaurant, or any other place where you are not participating in the activities you are observing. Record your observations in field notes. Pay attention to and describe the following in detail: The setting (layout of the space, arrangement of furniture, decor, “feel,” […]

Summarize What information is this source presenting to its audience?

The Library’s Government Documents Librarian spoke to our class on 9/16. Though the collection in Branson Library is only open by appointment at the moment, he showed us how to access Government Documents online. Using what you learned, find a Government Document that you are interested in reviewing. Write a thoughtful 500-1000 word essay, providing […]