What will be some of the challenges your operation/modification to existing operation might face, and how will either overcome them?

Memo (UN Peace Operations in Libya) SUMMARY: This should be no more than 3-4 sentences and single spaced. You can put this in Italics, if you would like. BACKGROUND This should be no more than one paragraph. You can provide this paragraph as a way of linking your memo to your previous paper. Based on […]

What are the pitfalls and successes of the local government’s strategic planning and implementation?

Covid-19 response in Libya: The role of international agencies in supporting health-system in fragile-state context The main research question; What are the effective roles of International Agencies in supporting the Libyan health system during the Covid-19 Pandemic? The Aim The aim is to find the effective roles of International Agencies in supporting the Libyan health […]