What is the limbic system of the brain? Explain its function and its rate of maturity.Discuss the role of dopamine in the adolescent brain.

Explain to a parent what self-concept is and what role the parent plays in shaping a child’s self-concept. 2.Explain to a parent what self-esteem is (be sure you are address the difference between self-concept and self-esteem). Discuss what a parent can do to promote healthy self-esteem. 3. Explain to a parent how the over use […]

The Limbic System:Explain what it does,Discuss parts

Paper detalis: The Limbic System – Explain what it does – Discuss parts – Hippocampus, memory, damage, amnesia, alzeihmers, demolic acid, – Subsections, – What happens when hippocampus isn’t working properly – Certain drugs that can affect the hippocampus – Have a flow – Add anymore information you find – APA style, 12 font, times […]