Do the conclusions follow from the results or are there other interpretations that the authors did not consider? Be specific and suggest an experiment (or two) that could properly test that alternative explanation.

Attentional shifting and disengagement in Rett syndrome (2019) by Susan A. Rose, et al. in Neuropsychology. DOI: 10.1037/neu0000515 You do not need to summarize the study, though encourage you to briefly state the main research question and write enough about the data and/or results for the reader to understand your critique. Keep any explanation of […]

What is one strength-one limitation of a needs assessment for evaluating whether the program meets the community’s identified needs?

Discussion Post a response to the following questions: What is a needs assessment, and what role does it play in a program evaluation? What is one piece of information from the Hart City needs assessment that you think would be most useful for evaluating whether the program you selected for your Final Project meets the […]

Does the author discuss any limitation to this study or procedure (if so, explain)?;

Article Summary Guide for URPN 360.500 1. A proper heading 2. Full citation for the article 3. The problem, question, or central focus of the article; 4. The main source of the data for the article – the sampling procedure (i.e., interviews, survey, existing literature, laboratory, or field research, etc.; 5. The key findings of […]