How did each define the War and why did each want to avoid the idea that the War was about slavery?

Slavery Assignment Answer all questions thoroughly, and provide links for sources. When the Civil War broke out, both the North and South argued that the War was not about slavery. How did each define the War and why did each want to avoid the idea that the War was about slavery? In what ways did […]

Explain how Lincoln underlined the importance of natural law for a natural rights theory in his debate with Douglas.

Popular Sovereignty and the Transmission Theory Explain the origins and meaning of the theory of popular sovereignty. Then, explain the related transmission theory. Briefly state the characteristics of the transmission of authority in a democracy. (You must have five citations from the book. These need not be quotations, but citations, as in, Simon, page . […]

What types of conflict existed between Lincoln, his cabinet officials, members of Congress, etc.? How did Lincoln manage these conflicts to keep them from spiraling out of control? (Chapter 10)

Film Paper 2 Introduction: Lincoln portrays the great president’s struggle to ratify the 13th amendment—which, if passed, would ban slavery in the United States everywhere and for all time. The film also depicts the diversity of perspectives among the members of Lincoln’s cabinet, whom he had chosen precisely for that reason and masterfully illustrates Lincoln’s […]

. Given Lincoln Electric’s outstanding success in Cleveland operations, why did the internationalization thrust of the late 1980s and early 1990s fail?

Lincoln Electric Case: Questions on Implementation Strategy 1. How was Lincoln able to grow and prosper for so long in such a difficult commodity industry that forced out other giants such as General Electric, Westinghouse, and BOC? (same as cost leadership question 1) 2. Given Lincoln Electric’s outstanding success in Cleveland operations, why did the […]

Does the film succeed in producing the desired effect?How does it change your understanding of history?Explain

1.Glory 2.Gettysburg 3.Dances with Wolves 4.Amistad 5.1492 6.Santa Fe Trail 7.Black Robe 8.Cabeza de Vaca 9.Jeremiah Johnson 10.Gone with the Wind 11.The Last of the Mohicans 12.Lincoln 13.12 Years a Slave 14.Harriet 15.The Gangs of New York 16.Outlaw Josey Wales 17.One of the six volumes of the Roots series from the 1970s 18.One episode of […]