Explain  If the load leaves store B, the cost of the unit transported to store C is $2, to store D is $4, and to store E is $9.

Topic: Module 7 Assignment: Linear Programming (Oct 9) A company wants to minimize the cost of transporting its product from its warehouses (2) to its stores (3). If the load leaves store A, the cost of the unit transported to store C is $8, to store D is $6, and to store E is $3.Explain  […]

How many units of each model should National make each month to maximize its monthly profit?

Linear Programming National Business Machines manufactures x model A portable printers and y model B portable printers. Each model A costs $100 to make, and each model B costs $150. The profits are $40 for each model A and $35 for each model B portable printer. If the total number of portable printers demanded per […]

Explain clearly the variables you use and the constraints you construct. What is the minimun cost transportation schedule -what are the corresponding costs?

Answer the following three parts of the problem. Parts A and B are worth 30% each while part C is worth 40% of the overall mark for this problem. A. Formulate a linear programming model to determine the minimum cost transportation schedule.Explain clearly the variables you use and the constraints you construct. What is the […]