Do you work in a linguistically diverse educational setting?

Language at Home vs. The classroom Language is a vital part of education. Thinking back, were there differences (either nuanced or more significant) in the language you used at home growing up versus what you heard and saw at school? Did this disparity have any effect on you? Now think about your work. Do you […]

Describe how you use various types of technology to support students with disabilities in both the special education and regular education classroom.

Field Experience B: Student Differences and Individual Learning Needs In the interview, address the following. Discuss the similarities and differences among students with and without disabilities. Describe the characteristics of various disabilities and their educational implications for students at your school. Explain the effects disabilities can have on students’ academic and social development, attitudes, interests, […]

How does the theory integrate the nursing paradigm-What parts of the theory do you identify with? How does the theory help to meet CLAS standards to advance health equity?

Which of the culture and caring theories most resonates with you for your practice as an NP? Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring is my choice. How does the theory integrate the nursing paradigm?  What parts of the theory do you identify with? How does the theory help to meet CLAS standards to advance health […]

What can you do as a nurse to address the disparity-ensure a positive outcome for patients-Consider Lewis’ model.

Discussion 3&4 Discussion Question:  Dicussion 3 Like healthcare disparities, disability disparities refer to the differences in service delivery, disability experiences, or clinical outcomes based on one’s membership in a particular group such as age, race, culture, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019). Conduct a literature search to locate a journal article related to disability disparities. […]