Give us an overview on the topic from a physiology standpoint, and why we need to know about this for our future medical careers.

Nursing Question For the first lab assignment, watch the following videos, and then create an info graphic or brochure on one of these topics: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins DNA RNA Give us an overview on the topic from a physiology standpoint, and why we need to know about this for our future medical careers.  

Which of the food products tested contain large amounts of lipid?

Lipids: Grease spot test. A simpler test for lipids is based on their ability to produce translucent grease marks on un glazed paper. See results below. Several foods & their test results for the Grease-spot test are presented in the table below: Which of the food products tested contain large amounts of lipid? What are […]

How does the concentration of lipids change what structures form? What happens when you have only lipids? Do structures still form?

This is for Biomedical engineer. This model simulates the formation of membranes in water. It shows how simple attractive and repulsive forces between different kinds of molecules can result in higher level structure. Try adjusting the attractive and repulsive forces between the different kinds of molecules. How much can you change the forces and still […]