Write a 9 page paper on effective, evidence-based practices for students with Severe-to-Low Incidence Disabilities.

Evidenced-Based Practices for Students with Severe-to-Low Incidence Disabilities Write a 9 page paper on effective, evidence-based practices for students with Severe-to-Low Incidence Disabilities. In addition to including practices for the areas of reading/literacy, math, etc., be sure to include practices for areas such as behavior, assessment, transition, self-care, etc.  

Explain your understanding of information literacy.

Topic: Explain your understanding of information literacy. Topic for discussion: Information literacy is an important part of this class and important to learn. Explain your understanding of information literacy. Here are a couple of websites to help with this discussion: https://libraries.usc.edu/research/instructional-services/learning-outcomes and https://libguides.madisoncollege.edu/InfoLitStudents  

How have your information literacy skills changed as a result of the resources in this module?

Reflect on a time when you were biased about a topic. These can be hard to identify, so think of a time when it was difficult for you to reason with evidence that you were presented or the ideas another person had about that topic. How have your information literacy skills changed as a result […]

Write a 500-750 word narrative essay in which you compare-contrast an approved, personal topic that has contributed to who you are as a learner-your literacy.

Write a 500-750 word narrative essay in which you compare and contrast an approved, personal topic that has contributed to who you are as a learner and/or your literacy. This is not a research paper. Therefore, you should not incorporate any outside source material.

How have reading, writing-writing shaped-been shaped by cultural contexts in your life-the larger world?

Writing Project 1: Literacy Narrative 3-4 pages double-spaced Literacy narratives “allow writers to reflect on the people, ideas, and events that have shaped them as writers. . . . They exist . . . to help writers share their reflections about their relationship with reading and writing” (Palmquist and Wallraff 137). Literacy narratives draw heavily […]