provide an explanation-discussion of an author’s commentary-interview

Essay 3 In a 5-6 page formal essay with a thesis statement, describe the author’s perspective, philosophy, or purposes and explain how it is reflected in their work. You must also discuss a second work by this author that we have not read in class. You will likely want to provide an explanation and discussion […]

Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received.

Description The Bloody Chamber and The Colour Purple are two texts written by Angela Carter and Alice Walker. Write a comparative critical study of two texts on a theme of their choice An appropriate academic bibliography must be included An academic form of referencing must be used The word count is 2,500 words (not including […]

Use two words to describe your feelings during and after reading. Think and explain for yourself and your reader why you think you had these feelings.Make a connection to your own experience in the world—from your life, or another reading, a song, someone you know—has the feeling and truth of the reading been true for you, someone you know? How?

1•Type your first page heading in the upper left-handcorner (still double spaced):Your Name (Susie Sweetpotato)Instructor’s Name (Professor Hannay)Course title (English 1302.01)Due date (4 September 2020)•Type yourtitle—one double space from your 4-linefirst page heading—centered—then one double space to your first paragraph.Choose one of the assigned poems for today listed in the Calendar and in the Assignment […]