Hannah Arendt says, “Education is the point at which we decide whether we love the world enough to assume responsibility for it.” How does your view of education compare to Arendt’s?Discuss

Hannah Arendt says, “Education is the point at which we decide whether we love the world enough to assume responsibility for it.” How does your view of education compare to Arendt’s?

Does she callfor him because she doesn’t know he is behind it? Or is it because at the end of the day he is herfather and she forgives him?Discuss

1.CPE#1- Hesiod, Theogony”Dance on dainty feet, and who, after bathing their soft skin in the Permessos or the spring of theHorse or holy Olmeios on the peak of Helicon”(Hesiod, 4-7). This quote illustrates a connectionto the reading “Homer’s Odyssey”. The muses in Hesiod were depicted as “beautiful arousingdesire as they dance erotically”(Hesiod,7-8) just like the […]

Discuss Topic: Greek Mythology:Poison of Power Paper details: 1250 words works cited page term paper use material attached to create an argumentative essay on how powfkter was a downfall in Greek mythology Chat Type your message here… Files

Topic: Greek Mythology:Poison of Power Paper details: 1250 words works cited page term paper use material attached to create an argumentative essay on how powfkter was a downfall in Greek mythology Chat Type your message here… Files

Why is it that certain works of literature, in certain places and at certain times, are deemed by some readers to be so damaging that no one should be allowed to read them?Discuss

Why is it that certain works of literature, in certain places and at certain times, are deemed by some readers to be so damaging that no one should be allowed to read them? How do these attitudes change over time—what becomes less problematic with time, and what about these works might offend modern readers but […]

Write an essay explaining how Sophocles’ Oedipus exemplifies or refutes Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero. Review pp. 1250–1254 and 1257–1258 in your Perrine’s Literature textbook for the background and overview of Aristotle’s concept of tragedy/the tragic hero and drama.

1500 word research paper 1. Write an essay explaining how Sophocles’ Oedipus exemplifies or refutes Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero. Review pp. 1250–1254 and 1257–1258 in your Perrine’s Literature textbook for the background and overview of Aristotle’s concept of tragedy/the tragic hero and drama. Then, re-read Sophocles’ play, Oedipus; you may review additional audio-visual […]

How does the theocracy in Gilead explain and justify its patriarchal authoritarian control overpeople, and how does it put it into practice? How does it change the lives of women, such asOffred, who remember life before the theocracy?Discuss

Choose one of the following questions: • Unlike the earlier texts in our course, The Handmaid’s Tale is by a female writer and features afemale protagonist. How does this contribute to our understanding and broaden our perspectiveof literary representations of dystopia? • How does the theocracy in Gilead explain and justify its patriarchal authoritarian control […]

Review of current literature around leadership theory and develop a critical assessment of leadership behaviours and skills you perceive to be key to successful leadership.

Assignment Title: Leadership Theory and Development Assignment Length: 2000 Words Present a critical synthesis of leadership behaviour and skills drawing on academic literature and practical guides Undertake a critical review of current literature around leadership theory and develop a critical assessment of leadership behaviours and skills you perceive to be key to successful leadership.

Argue engaging the images of gender (feminine, masculine, and other) we’ve been discussing all term.

Two essays quoting directly from at least three different titles from our reading list. You may not use the same writers or works in both portions. E.g., if you use The Iliad in essay 1, you cannot use it in essay 2. You must write on both given topics. First essay – a thesis to […]

Choose a theme or idea that you see in the play and then make an assertion about how and/or why that theme is being used:American Dream/Nightmare.

You are researching and writing an essay on Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman (1949). Choose a theme or idea that you see in the play and then make an assertion about how and/or why that theme is being used. Theme chosen: American Dream/Nightmare. Make sure you have a strong thesis statement. This should […]