Share your experiences of using these search tools to find literature. What were some of the challenges you encountered? What are some of the search strategies you found most valuable?Discuss

You should spend some time exploring the USU library databases, and Google Scholar searches for literature on an educational topic of interest. Share your experiences of using these search tools to find literature. What were some of the challenges you encountered? What are some of the search strategies you found most valuable? Then, share your […]

“He [Connell] brought her goodness like a gift and now it belongs to her. Meanwhile his life opens out before him in all directions at once. They’ve done a lot of good for each other. Really, she thinks, really. People can really change one another.” (Rooney 2018, p.266) Do you agree with Marianne?Discuss

Description The main Question: At the conclusion of Normal People, Marianne reflects that: “He [Connell] brought her goodness like a gift and now it belongs to her. Meanwhile his life opens out before him in all directions at once. They’ve done a lot of good for each other. Really, she thinks, really. People can really […]

Discuss in chapter 3, Mouret whispers to the Baron, “get the women and you’ll the world” (p. 49). What does he mean really?

Zola’s novel Ladies’ Paradise presents you with a familiar landscape: Baudelaire’s Paris which we along with Ladies’ Paradise. As it happens, it was during that time that a great part of Notre-Dame, which was engulfed in flames last year, was reconstructed. The first three chapters of the novel (this week’s required reading) present you with three consecutive angles: […]

Explain the regression equation you are going to use and the methodology to follow. You should make sure to include all the variables that are necessary and to support the inclusion of some variables in your equation.

1. Title page: On the title page you should include the title of the report, your name and the section of this class. 2. Introduction: you should explain the purpose of your paper to motivate the reader about the importance of the issue at hand. 3. Framework or Review of Literature: if your paper is […]

Discuss health promotion approach chosen and the design of the intervention with reference to theory and other similar interventions previously reported in literature.

Description Presentation must be a development of an evidence based health promotion lifestyle intervention. It needs to show justification of the public health significance of my topic choice of intervention and critically discuss the design and delivery of it. 1.Critical discussion of the rationale and significance of my topic of intervention within the current public […]

Discuss the relationship between literary content, author- and/or reader-identity, and ideological commitment

Description Cognitive intellectual abilities LO1 – discuss literary practice and interpretation in relation to critical, metaphysical or theoretical principles; Knowledge and understanding LO2 – discuss the relationship between literary content, author- and/or reader-identity, and ideological commitment; LO3 outline and appraise accounts of literary value and creative practice; Subject specific skills LO4 – critically appraise a […]

How is Alexander Pope satirizing the common manners of 18th century British society and how is “the lock” symbolic of that society’s hypocrisy?Explain

John Dryden: Absalom and Achitophel Prompt 1: Satire in the Restoration Period is instructive of the nature of moral philosophy, ideal for criticism and for the double role of pleasure and instruction, concerned to hold men responsible to a high standard of honor and reasonable behavior, supporting the need for law and order: What does […]

Use two of Tezuka Osamu’s animes and two Disney’s cartoons as case study, Compare and Contrast – Astroy Boy, Black Jack (1973-83)(the little girl Pinoco) & Disney’s Pinocchio(1940)

Use two of Tezuka Osamu’s animes and two Disney’s cartoons as case study, Compare and Contrast – Astroy Boy, Black Jack (1973-83)(the little girl Pinoco) & Disney’s Pinocchio(1940);Kimba the White Lion & Disney’s The Lion King to discuss and argue – How Disney affected Tezuka Osamu, in terms of Hybridity(Japan/Tezuka’s “strategic hybridism” ) and then […]

Select a critical resource – a journal article, a book chapter, or a book – onONE of the three set texts.Write an evaluative summary of the resource, and then draw upon the resource in order to answer a question on your chosen set text.

Option 1Select a critical resource – a journal article, a book chapter, or a book – onONE of the three set texts. First write an evaluative summary of the resource, and then draw upon the resource in order to answer a question on your chosen set text. For guidance on accessing articles/chapters/books via the OU […]