Who is speaking and why? What situation or event inspired the poet to write the sonnet? What is the speaker’s attitude towards his topic?

Description Poetry Journal 1 Discussion Forum Please complete Poetry Journal 1. When complete, submit it to the discussion board for group discussion with your classmates. Remember, to receive full credit for the discussion, you must submit your journal AND respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Sonnet Journal 1 Meaning and Content (Purpose: […]

Choose two works from within one of these categories (two poems, two plays, etc.) that have similar themes and compare and contrast how they’re treated and explored. Do the authors use the themes to deliver similar or opposing messages?

Your course reading list includes literary works across three categories: short fiction, poetry and dramatic works. Choose two works from within one of these categories (two poems, two plays, etc.) that have similar themes and compare and contrast how they’re treated and explored. Do the authors use the themes to deliver similar or opposing messages? […]

Choose one or more poems from your course reading list and explain how at least one of these characteristics is employed and how it contributes to the overall message of the poem.

Description For this assignment, you will choose one of the two prompts below and write an 800-1200-word essay in response about it. Include quotations and textual evidence from the works you’ve chosen and cite them in MLA format. Please cite any  lessons you use as resources (including lesson title and instructor’s name). Your essay must […]

Choose ONE character in Cold Comfort Farm and make an argument about their use of language during the novel. Language should be taken to mean both how the character speaks, and also how he or she is described by the narrator. Does this language evolve? Does it stay the same? What does this mean?

Description 1. Choose ONE character in Cold Comfort Farm and make an argument about their use of language during the novel. Language should be taken to mean both how the character speaks, and also how he or she is described by the narrator. Does this language evolve? Does it stay the same? What does this […]

Identify the aspects of NGS, including current and expanding uses, bioinformatics challenges,validation and proficiency, limitations, and issues related to the integration of NGS data into patient care.

it is review resarch I need all part: Abstract, Review of Literature, Method,conclution,with refrences 1- Accurate purpose statement: -To assess the analytic validity of the Next Generation DNA Sequencing technique as a potential newborn screening for muscular dystrophy disease. 2- Research Objectives: We addresses the objectives of this review study by using information from peer-reviewed […]

Define the function of one characteristic in local-color realism by contrasting one work by a woman (Freeman, Jewett, Chopin, etc) to one by a man (either Twain or Harte). What do the gender differences between the stories reveal about the purpose of the defining characteristics of local color?

Define the function of one characteristic in local-color realism by contrasting one work by a woman (Freeman, Jewett, Chopin, etc) to one by a man (either Twain or Harte). What do the gender differences between the stories reveal about the purpose of the defining characteristics of local color? Here is your thesis (opening sentence): The […]

is the author’s appeal to emotion successful; how so?Explain

Choose ONE of the two articles listed/linked below. 1. **An article on solitary confinement in Canadian prisons, by Robert Fulford (The National Post): 2. A Ted Talk by Chimamanda Adichie, “The Danger of a Single Story” (watch with the captions) Compose an essay with a THESIS and SUPPORTING POINTS about how the author appeals to […]

Discuss at least one specific limitation of the studies reviewed, and provide at least one specific suggestion for future research.

Write a brief literature review on MUST BE from peer reviewed articles. The paper should take the form of a formal APA manuscript with a title page, body, and references. (No abstract). The paper must follow proper APA 7th edition guidelines. The body must have three main sections: introduction, literature review, and discussion (set apart […]