Explain how Society and Gender as “concepts” are presented in the writings of this unit.

My prompt: Explain how Society and Gender as “concepts” are presented in the writings of this unit. Directions for Essay: I need to craft a well-developed, well-supported, researched essay of no fewer than four (4) pages based on my chosen prompt. I must type this in proper MLA format (1” margins, double-spaced, 10-12 pt. font, […]

Write a clearly organized essay in which you identify the theme you see in Canto 1 of Dante Alighieri’s Inferno and the way symbol and/or allegory is used to develop that theme (Norton 929–934

Topic: Theme and Symbol in Medieval Literature Topic: Write a clearly organized essay in which you identify the theme you see in Canto 1 of Dante Alighieri’s Inferno and the way symbol and/or allegory is used to develop that theme (Norton 929–934 Paper details: Further Instructions for Topic 2: The purpose of this essay is […]

Explain What it’s like to live in Miami…Give us a scene about living in Miami now. Give sounds, colors, names of places, and people. Give us a year, the season, the weather. Include dialogue, setting, gestures

Select one of the two options (Narrative or Description) and begin to tell your Miami Story. The key here is to capture a moment in as much detail as possible. Use the rhetorical structures you have learned so far. Narrative (1 page, typed, double-spaced) FIRST PART: Tell a story of significance to your family. Tell […]

Analyze Puritanism’s connection to the religious tenets of Calvinism by examining the Puritan texts we read this semester. How do texts such as Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,” and Mary Rowlandson’s captivity narrative reflect Puritanism as a culture, religion, and political belief system? This prompt would perhaps, via the texts we’ve read, focus on explaining such things as the affect such ideas as total depravity, predestination, and limited atonement had on Puritan culture.

Choose one of the following writing prompts below and write a 5-6 double-spaced page essay (1250-1500 words) that fully answers the prompt using literary analysis (argumentation via textual citation). Prompts: * Analyze Puritanism’s connection to the religious tenets of Calvinism by examining the Puritan texts we read this semester. How do texts such as Bradford’s […]

Explain why does the narrator disappear?

The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa is a novel concerned with forgetting and disappearances. It is also a book that describes the terrible connections between an authoritarian regime’s actions and the lives of the citizens they police. At the novel’s conclusion, the narrator, in a conversation with R. says: “It doesn’t matter what I say, […]

What did you find interesting, troubling, confusing, challenging, etc. about the text(s)? What did the text make you think about in regards to your own life, learning, worldview? Did the text challenge you? How? Why?

Reflections are designed for you to simply REFLECT on what you have read, and what we have discussed about the reading(s) for the class. What did you find interesting, troubling, confusing, challenging, etc. about the text(s)? What did the text make you think about in regards to your own life, learning, worldview? Did the text […]

Critically analyse specific ideas from the session that you personally see as relevant to you and the way you make sense of, and engage with ethics, business responsibility and or sustainability (ERS) You should think of this as a literature review and anchor your discussion in the linked session resources and offered readings.

1- Critically analyse specific ideas from the session that you personally see as relevant to you and the way you make sense of, and engage with ethics, business responsibility and or sustainability (ERS) You should think of this as a literature review and anchor your discussion in the linked session resources and offered readings. 2- […]

Compare your new version with the original.discuss the differences that you perceive as they relate to the poems meaning and descriptive images.

To better understand the importance of word choice in poetry, please select a poem by Robert Frost, preferably one of four stanzas or less. Using a thesaurus, please replace at least one word per line with one of the suggestions that the thesaurus provides. When you are finished, compare your new version with the original. […]

What is Lesson Study? What are the different ways in which Lesson Study was organised in Japan and western world schools, including Australia, and how did participating teachers perceive lesson study as a professional development process? (To progress with this question, develop some criteria for comparison of different ways of implementing/using LS across countries/institutional contexts)

Write an essay outline for a project report that has two parts –i) a standalone Literature Review (main part) and ii) an organising framework proposal based on the reviewed literature. The design of the latter will take into consideration local affordances, constraints, and needs of Karama PS teachers, and anticipate, and suggest ways to work […]