Explain.Did the other members breach the state LLC statute, their fiduciary duties, or the LLC operating agreement?

Watch Recorded Lecture Lesson 3 for guided instruction of this assignment. After Hurricane Katrina, James, Pat, Marquetta, and Mike formed Bluewater Logistics, LLC, to bid on construction contracts. Under Mississippi law, every member of a member-managed LLC is entitled to participate in managing the business. The operating agreement provided for a “super majority” 75% vote […]

Explore different types of principal-agency relationships, and determine what type of relationship exists in this case between the driver, Jose Carcamo, and the company, Sugar Transport of the Northwest, LLC

Explore different types of principal-agency relationships, and determine what type of relationship exists in this case between the driver, Jose Carcamo, and the company, Sugar Transport of the Northwest, LLC. What course of action do you recommend with respect to the lawsuit and Carcamo’s employment? Does Sugar Transport’s HR department have any responsibility for their […]