Is this interest group prominent in the US and is their role different than that in Texas?

Government-Interest Groups and Lobbying Based on Chapter 6 in your textbook, we have learned about the role of interest groups and lobbying. This plays a significant role in Texas politics. Investigate three major groups/lobbyists that impact Texas government and answer the following: How do they impact law? Who do they help the most? Who do […]

Identify the stakeholders outline the target groups, supporters, allies or enemies.

Lobbying Strategy The students should develop a paper that should be structured as a lobbying strategy. To do that the students should: Identify a problem that will require an exercise of influence over a decision-making institution. Define the goals of the strategy. Describe the institutional setting that they will operate in. Identify the stakeholders outline […]

How might you be viewed in the organization if you hire a less qualified person?

Below are some real-life situations that present ethical questions in a business. Discuss at least two situations and look at i (a) from a strictly legal viewpoint, (b) from a moral and ethical viewpoint, and (c) from a point of view of what is best in the long run for the company.Look at each situation […]

Discuss,Many U.S. nonprofit leaders believe that lobbying is not legal. What does U.S. law say about nonprofit lobbying and what is and is not permitted?

Paper details: lease write paper answering the below question: Many U.S. nonprofit leaders believe that lobbying is not legal. What does U.S. law say about nonprofit lobbying and what is and is not permitted?

Discuss lobbying, whether you think it (lobbying) is “shady business” or a legitimate means of supporting worthwhile government initiatives.

Read Chapter 8 of the attached material and watch this clip, then discuss lobbying, whether you think it (lobbying) is “shady business” or a legitimate means of supporting worthwhile government initiatives. According to the attached material, what were the basic assumptions underlying the establishment of the electoral college? Explain whether or not you think that […]