What information they provided .What topics the commissioners seemed to feel were most relevant

Participating in government Although often undervalued and under reported, local government has the most significant impact on citizens’ lives. The outcome of a County Commission or City Council vote on sales tax, road projects, or water facilities impacts citizens daily. Every time a citizen purchases a soda, they could pay an increased tax. That tax […]

What do you think of the idea now being championed in some government units-of putting large data sets up for analysis by anyone (inside or outside the organization) and offering prizes for the best solution?

CASE STUDY QUESTIONS Do you think a geek squad could work in highly socially sensitive areas like policing or protective services for families and children? Why? Why not? ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS CASE STUDY What do you think of the idea now being championed in some government units-of putting large data sets up […]

Identify one significant risk in your chosen sector and state why you have chosen it.

The purpose of this assessment is to identify, understand and manage work-related risks. You are required to: • 1) Choose a sector (eg construction, health, hospitality, retail, local government, etc.); 2) select one particular potential risk (e.g. shortage of skilled labour, exposure to hazardous chemicals or dust, working at heights, contaminated soil, etc.); and 3) […]