Analyze and evaluate the different kinds of strategies the speaker uses in their speech to convince the audience.… Requirements: – In the introduction paragraph(s), generally address the topic at hand and why it matters to certain people, summarize the speech, provide the rhetorician’s central argument and purpose, and give some context about this person (see the bio at the end of the speeches). – Establish a clear thesis in which you state […]

How much confidence should one have in each and why?

polypharmacy 1. Introduce a clinical problem or quality improvement opportunity. Define the topic and discuss the importance of this concept as it relates to patient care and QSEN competencies (introductory paragraph). 2. Present a competent discussion of recent scholarly literature (within the last 5 years) regarding the chosen topic. Present clear and logical evidence and/or […]

Some say that empowering people with knowledge is the best way to secure justice-Do you agree?

Even though we’re living in an information age which is thriving with incredible advancements, there are many people around the world who are living in dire conditions. Some say that empowering people with knowledge is the best way to secure justice. Do you agree? In a well-organized persuasive essay discuss your stance supporting your answer […]

Define and explain the features of each design using the resources provided and three other quality resources.

BUS-7380 Week 5 During Weeks 3 and 4, you learned about various qualitative research designs. This week, you will build on this knowledge. Select two of the five research designs. Define and explain the features of each design using the resources provided and three other quality resources. Next, develop data collection processes for each of […]

Highlight why and how your theory is relevant, practical, logical, explicit, systematic, and contextual.

Discussion Question In at least 350 words write a brief summary of the theory you have conceptualized for the Final Theory paper. Create the summary with an approach of introducing to your colleagues, in a brief overview, your ‘new and improved’ family theory. Highlight why and how your theory is relevant, practical, logical, explicit, systematic, […]

Explain how the data collected from the lesson helps you make decisions about future instruction and adaptive lessons.

Adaptive Lesson Implementation and Reflection Analysis of and reflection on the data collected from the implementation of an adaptive lesson (5-7 pages). Demonstration of Proficiency By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competency and assessment scoring guide criteria: Competency: Implement adaptive learning approaches to meet diverse learner needs. […]

What is the experience of the authors or practitioners who created it?

Building Your Evidence Base (Opiod Addiction or drug overdose suicide) Overview Using the evidence table document given in the resources for this assignment, you will complete your report on 10 different sources of evidence. Directions Step One: Introduction Write an introduction to this assignment, assuming the role as the leader of a public health agency. […]

Identify stakeholders with whom nurses would coordinate to drive safety enhancements with medication administration.

Nursing Question The purpose of this assessment is to better understand the role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse in enhancing quality improvement (QI) measures that address a medication administration safety risk. This will be within the specific context of patient safety risks at a health care setting of your choice. You will do this by exploring […]

What is the difference between a distributed and a centralized computer system?

What is the difference between a distributed and a centralized computer system? Describe the underlying principles and issues of distributed versus centralized computer systems and how cloud-based solutions have altered current networking solutions. Refer to the network diagrams you created as an illustration of a distributed network. What are the major network topologies? Refer to […]

What are scientific reasoning and the scientific method and what is the role of experiment and observation?

Logical and Critical Reasoning Some sample ideas to consider incorporating in your theme. use these as inspiration remember, the aim is to explore a topic of your choosing – these are suggestions to help you choose a topic, but remember not to answer these questions. Come up with your own original theme/topic: What is the […]