Do you think the premises provided are sufficient to support the conclusion, or do you think more or better evidence could be provided?

Question For Writing Assignment 3, you will be given one of your classmate’s papers to review. You will need to write a one-page evaluation for them. In your evaluation you should: Identify what you think the primary argument is. Can you easily identify an issue statement? If so, what do you think it is? Evaluate […]

What did you find to be the most challenging about the process of writing this research paper?

In this unit, we have taken a closer look at writing as a craft. We have revisited the writing process and methods for invention, we have examined informal logical fallacies, and we have discussed paragraph cohesion. For this writing, think about your past experiences with writing (which may include the experiences you have had in […]

What are the contexts social, political, historical, cultural for this argument-Whose interests does it serve-Who gains-loses by it?

Wright a substantive rhetorical analysis essay answering the following: Use these links: 1.) 2.) To what degree does the introduction do each of the following? (25 points) Provide sufficient background to the situation. Consider what questions you have about the topic that aren’t answered in the introduction section. Engage the reader from the first […]

Explain why you think the argument fits this concept. Identify if this was purposeful and why, as well as how this impacts the strength of the argument?

For this video presentation, you will pick one item that addresses a current issue and make connections to class concepts. The item may be print or video and may be the product of any source. TV commercials can be a great source for this analysis, because you will need to identify, and present which rhetorical […]