Identify and apply the core concepts of an explicit argument: claims and audience-based reasons, evidence, assumptions/warrants, credibility, conditions of rebuttal, as well as ethos, pathos, and logos.

Introductory essay • Adopt effective process writing strategies, including invention, drafting, analyzing their own drafts and those of others, revising, and editing. • Construct an argumentative claim and develop and adequately support audience-based reasons. • Demonstrate ability to respond thoughtfully to peers’ drafts. • Identify and apply the core concepts of an explicit argument: claims […]

What is the main argument or message of this article?

Instructions : Visit all and choose a particular topic you’re interested in. (It does not have to be a “hot button” issue. If you click on “Topics” in the main toolbar of the website, you can browse all kinds of options.) Choose one article from a source with one leaning (center, right, left) and […]

What kind of strategies do you intend to use in your next assignments in order to improve your writing skills and to enrich your vocabulary?

1) CHANGING PURPOSE AND AUDIENCE In your Draft Letter assignment you wrote a letter to a person who had a strong impact over your life (mentor, teacher, parent, friend, etc.). In the Revised Letter you are still going to address the same person and preserve the content of your letter. However, your audience and purpose […]

Identify the advertisement’s audience, goal, and message and analyze how the advertisement uses appeals to emotion (pathos), logic (logos), and character (ethos).

Topic: Identify the advertisement’s audience Assignment: Identify the advertisement’s audience, goal, and message and analyze how the advertisement uses appeals to emotion (pathos), logic (logos), and character (ethos). Be sure to point out specific examples from the advertisement that support your claims. Format your response as follows: Advertisement’s Audience: Advertisement’s Goal: Advertisement’s Message: Analysis […]

How can you challenge yourself with this project-What are you hoping to get out of this?

Creative Project 1 Proposal(Discussion Post) Answer the following questions about your project as thoroughly as possible: 1. Idea/ Purpose: What is the topic? Be specific. What is your purpose in making a project about it? What are you teaching/showing/sharing with your audience? What is your argument in regard to “the good life?” How does it […]

Write a two-page analysis of the rhetoric devices (pathos, logos, ethos) used in the video.

Video analysis Paper This link is to a video made in the 1950s. It is about the prominent conspiracy theory of that time–the threat of communism taking over the world. Write a two-page analysis of the rhetoric devices (pathos, logos, ethos) used in the video. Begin the paper with an introduction. End the introduction with […]

What do you look at when you try to Analysis a speech rhetorically?

Letter to Birmingham rhetorical essay A Rhetorical Analysis is when you try and Analysis the Rhetorical process of a piece of writing or a speech. You try and understand HOW someone wrote it, WHY they wrote it, WHAT their agenda is and IF it is effective or not. You are CRITIQUING them, you are JUDGING […]

Discuss how the use of rhetorical appeals determines the effectiveness of the argument

Rhetorical Analysis of “Go Gentle Into That Good Night” For the Rhetorical Analysis essay, you will be examining and evaluating one of these selected sources to create a thesis-driven essay. You should be considering all the elements we have discussed in Rhetorical Analysis, including: Purpose Audience Rhetorical patterns (genre, including description, narration, exemplification, process, cause […]

Identify at least an example of each of the three appeals (Ethos, Logos, and Pathos); also identify any syllogisms or enthymemes.

A Rhetorical Analysis of Joe Biden’s Inaugural Address For the essay, you will write a 500-750 word analysis of the text and context of the speech you chose earlier this semester. Rhetor: Who is author Audience: Who is the audience for this speech? Genre: What is the genre of the speech? Invention: Identify at least […]