What is one section of the review that stood out to you and why? In your answer, provide a quotation for this section and explain why you think this quotation is important.

1. Complete The Anthropocene Reviewed Reflection 1 2. Answer the following five questions in one document The Anthropocene Reviewed Reflection 1 First, take a few minutes to reflect on what you listened to and/or read for this week. Next, pick one review to focus on and provide thoughtful and thorough answers to the following questions. […]

How did the speakers effectively address the appeals of ethos, logos, and pathos?

This forum requires the viewing of two videos: the first is from Kilbourne’s website; the second is a TED Talk by Ashley Graham. The first video is available via Dr. Jean Kilbourne’s website; Kilbourne is a renowned speaker who has made a career of presenting on her critical analyses of the effects of advertising on […]