Why Social media: helping us connect-contributing to loneliness?is it happening?

Social media: helping us connect or contributing to loneliness? Social media: helping us connect or contributing to loneliness?They say social media connects people from all over the world. But despite having thousands of friends online and hundreds of likes under photos, we can still feel lonely. Why Social media: helping us connect or contributing to […]

Write a comparative essay that considers the similarities and differences between the causes and symptoms of addiction and loneliness, as well as possible avenues for combatting addiction and loneliness

With reference to Elizabeth Renzetti’s “Loneliness: The Trouble with Solitude” and either Gabor Maté’s “Embraced by the Needle,” or Bruce K. Alexander’s “The Roots of Addiction in Free Market Society,” write a comparative essay that considers the similarities and differences between the causes and symptoms of addiction and loneliness, as well as possible avenues for […]