What was the topic/hypothesis of the study you chose?

Locate a longitudinal study via the Ivy Tech online library (home) and describe in a short essay (minimum 200 words)—20 points: What is the difference between a cross-sectional study and a longitudinal study? What advantages and disadvantages does each method have? What was the topic/hypothesis of the study you chose? In other words, what were […]

Discuss other issues that might influence the credibility of the report.

Topic: Intermittent Fasting for weight loss/control Choose a health issue of interest to you. Find and study five pieces of published information about your topic that include some reference to or description of research. Include a mixture of journal articles and mass media information with a mixture of good and bad information on the issue. […]

How does the annual rate of fertility reduction for Bangladesh over the last 25 years compare to Kenya? India?

CASE 13: REDUCING FERTILITY IN BANGLADESH 1. is the reduction in fertility better or comparable to other population or reproductive health programs? How does the annual rate of fertility reduction for Bangladesh over the last 25 years compare to Kenya? India? 2. What do you think education has to do with fertility? Give examples. 3. […]

What is the biggest difference between what you thought would make you happy when you were younger-what did make you happy as you got older?

STEP 1: Watch this TED talk by Robert Waldinger, psychiatrist and professor at Harvard Medical School. He discusses some of the results of the Grant study, which has followed groups of men over a 75 year, longitudinal study, and explains some of the factors leading to a happy life.   STEP 2: After viewing this […]

Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of a longitudinal study and a cross-sectional study, giving examples of each.

For this week’s discussion, complete these tasks: Explain three circumstances where a researcher would choose a longitudinal study over a cross-sectional study. Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of a longitudinal study and a cross-sectional study, giving examples of each. Then, provide a specific example of a question that could be addressed with a longitudinal […]

Explain three circumstances where a researcher would choose a longitudinal study over a cross-sectional study.

Explain three circumstances where a researcher would choose a longitudinal study over a cross-sectional study. Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of a longitudinal study and a cross-sectional study, giving examples of each. Then, provide a specific example of a question that could be addressed with a longitudinal study and explain why that developmental design […]