Why has more progress been made on customer value differentiation than on customer needs differentiation?

Discussion Thread: Relationship Marketing and ‘Every Good Endeavor’ As part of your Doctoral journey, you are reading Timothy Keller’s book ‘Every Good Endeavor.’ On page 41 of the hardcover version of this book, he included, “Did God create food only to provide for necessity (nutrition) and not also for delight and good cheer? So to […]

Discuss the types of risk that consumers may face when they consider buying your product, the ways that these risks could be mitigated-come to a conclusion as to which risk is the most severe.

You are responsible for the marketing of a new Louis Vuitton jacket in a geographic market of your choice. Discuss the types of risk that consumers may face when they consider buying your product, the ways that these risks could be mitigated and come to a conclusion as to which risk is the most severe. […]