Explain the various adverse effects and complications that the client may experience as a result of receiving external radiation to the upper chest area.

Caring For Clients With Cancer Sallie Dean, a 42-year-old female client with a history of lung cancer, is being treated with outpatient teletherapy (external radiation) treatments. After the treatment, she complains of fatigue; localized skin burns, owing to which the skin is dry and red; and a dry, hacking cough that has developed gradually after […]

What way was Ardell’s reaction to the news of her impending death inconsistent with the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross stages of death and dying?

As we reach the end of the human life span, we all face the issue of death. The most influential theory about our psychological reaction to death and dying is from a psychiatrist, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Based on extensive interviews of people who were dying, Dr. Kübler-Ross developed a five stage theory to describe our response […]