What is Lyme disease and what patient factors may have increased his risk developing Lyme disease? Discuss

A 52-year-old obese Caucasian male presents to the clinic with a 2-day history of fever, chills, and right great toe pain that has gotten worse. Patient states this is the first time that this has happened, and nothing has made it better and walking on his right foot makes it worse. He has tried acetaminophen, but it did not help. He took several ibuprofen tablets last night which did give him a bit […]

Research and write a minimum two-page report on lyme disease. Include concise information about the disease itself, including current information on reported incidents in Oregon. In particular, discuss any issues of concern to health-care providers

  research and write a minimum two-page report on lyme disease. Include concise information about the disease itself, including current information on reported incidents in Oregon. In particular, discuss any issues of concern to health-care providers