What is different about this album from other albums-What does the album represent?

For this assignment, listen to The Roots’ And Then You Shoot Your Cousin .You should listen to the album at least twice. While you are listening to the album make notes about the following questions. How is the album organized? What is different about this album from other albums? What does the album represent? What […]

Demonstrate your understanding of how music reflects and takes part in African American life

Description Choose 5 H-H songs + read the chapter attached. Describe the chapter’s subject, Rose’s argument (as many sides of the argument as possible), â—Ź Use hip hop song lyrics, sounds, origins, artists, relevant information to show how the song reflects the issue in the chapter, argument, or counterargument. â—Ź Accomplish two things: â—‹ You […]

Identify a favorite song and locate the exact words of the song and its composer.Explain why copying the lines of lyrics is not paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing is at the center of scholarly writing. One of the habits that many undergraduate students develop when discussing information from references is to quote that information. As graduate students, you are expected to advance your academic writing style to rely on paraphrasing—or putting what you read into your own words; however, the ideas and […]

What do you notice about similarities and differences among the various lyrics from the two different songs?

What kind of imagery is conveyed in the lyrics? What attitudes and behaviors are expressed in the lyrics? What do you notice about similarities and differences among the various lyrics from the two different songs? This question is optional. Are there any other observations you made about the two songs lyrics that relate to any […]

What elements of improvisation are evident in the musical accompaniment provided in each example?Explain.

Back In Your Own Back Yard (Billie Holiday) Flying Home (Ella Fitzgerald) Similarities and Differences Tempo (slow, medium, fast, dance-like?) Swing feel (Do you sense a weak, medium, or strong rhythmic pulse? Which song has a stronger pulse?) Syncopation (Is there evidence of syncopation or tugging and pulling against the musical pulse?) Lyrics (What story, […]