Discuss how diversity, equity and inclusion are correlated with business performance.

Action Areas for International Finance Developed over half a century ago, event study is a research method that continues to gain popularity and acceptance as an important tool in the field of finance. In recent years, event studies have evaluated the impact of corporate, regulatory changes, and macroeconomic shocks on stock prices for a single […]

What are the relationships between these components? Draw the appropriate graphs and include a textual analysis of how and why the curves shift.

Macroeconomics Assignment – Economy of Lebanon This assignment is directly related to the material covered in the lectures. Make sure your analysis is logical and show that you can think like an economist. FAQ for this assignment: 1. What types of evidence can we refer to outside of the lecture notes?In principle, any evidence that […]

How much FDI each country has been able to absorb-What are impediments to absorbing FDI to these countries?

Identify Economic Factors Contributing to Foreign Direct Investment and Compare Two Case Studies Assignment: Identify Economic Factors Contributing to Foreign Direct Investment and Compare Two Case Studies Utilize the articles under the resources for this week and compare two developing countries to see which one has been more successful in attracting FDI. How much FDI […]

Explain the concept of “crowding out-Based on the data collected, which of these countries likely has the most extensive “crowding out”? Explain.

Macroeconomic Based on the data collected, do you think that debt is a problem faced by economically advanced countries, undeveloped countries, or both? Justify your answer. The United States government has a 100% repayment rate—it has always repaid its debt. Given what we know about risk and return, do you think the USA is generally […]

Analyse and evaluate the extent to which monetary policy can affect real macroeconomic activity through its interaction with financial markets in an international setting.

Module aims: This module is a study of the financial economy and international markets from a macroeconomic perspective. This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the workings of the real global economy and its interaction with financial markets. There are three aims for this module: 1. to develop an in-depth understanding of the […]

Conduct a Macroeconomic historical analysis of the U.S. for the 1995-2005 decade.Identify major events and policies occurring in the U.S. in your assigned decade that could impact the economy and then use the models developed in this class to analyze the economic impacts of your identified events and/or policies.

This paper is not as heavy or terminology-detailed. It is an Intermediate Macroeconomics course paper. The prompt is: Conduct a Macroeconomic historical analysis of the U.S. for the 1995-2005 decade. Identify major events and policies occurring in the U.S. in your assigned decade that could impact the economy and then use the models developed in […]

What type of a good or service is X? What is the price and income elasticity of your product? What is the cross price elasticity with respect to complementary and substitute products?Explain

The content of the individual coursework should cover the following aspects in total 1,500 words: Imagine that you are part of the marketing team of the product X at company ABC, which aims at selling this product in the domestic as well as global markets. You are preparing a marketing strategy for this product in […]

Prepare an analytical review of the financial performance, position and reporting, using the most recently published financial statements (annual rather than half-year or other interim statements) and other information available, either in the public domain or from within the company.

Assignment task Select a suitable company listed on a well-recognised international exchange such as, the London Stock Exchange FTSE 100 and make use of any related and associated data. There are three parts to this assessment. 1. You have been appointed to the financial team of your chosen company. You have been asked by the […]