Analyze what your own station in the chosen society would be based on your own determinant factors and whether, perhaps, such factors could increase/decrease your chances at becoming an offender or becoming a victim of crime.

CJA: Race, Crime, Justice Power-Point Presentation A multitude of factors influence how and if an individual moves within or between social strata in society. These determinant factors, along with the overall structure of any given society, have a large impact on how an individual is able to access basic services, such as education and health […]

Choose a current ethical issue in marine science, such as the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), conditions in fish farms, or another topic your instructor approves.

The Past & Future of Marine Science Essay Considering ethical questions is part of a marine scientist’s job. Part of being ethical is doing your homework and exploring all sides of an issue. Choose a current ethical issue in marine science, such as the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), conditions in fish farms, or […]