Evaluate a recent, mainstream (not written for academics) IR commentary or op-ed article of your choosing.

The point of the assignment is to analyze an International Relations Op-Ed and argue which International Relations theory the author is utilizing based on the arguments they make in the article. The theories you can choose from are: Realism, Liberalism, and Contructivism. Please choose ONE of these theories and make an argument for why that […]

Choose an image that you’ve seen in a magazine, in a newspaper, on a website, or elsewhere. What is this image saying to you?

Your fourth essay will be a 2-4-page image analysis. Choose an image that you’ve seen in a magazine, in a newspaper, on a website, or elsewhere. What is this image saying to you? Along with summarizing it and its background, you may want to focus on some of the following: Why did you choose this […]

Evaluate the ad from a biblical perspective. Does it promote sin or biblical morality?

Choose an advertisement from a magazine and study it carefully. Jot down your observations to the following questions: Who might the ad be targeting (age group, gender, social group, etc.), and why do you think so? Who are shown to be users of the product in the ad? What visual strategies are being employed to […]

Does your understanding of your text (and its meaning, audience, and so on) change once you have looked more deeply/become more aware of its intertextual components?Explain.

Paper #2 (minimum 800 words): ​Way to go, Einstein! Exploring intertextuality. In this assignment, I’m asking that you find a text (note that “text” can mean written story, movie, TV show, magazine article, video game, etc) that you believe is intertextually-rich. That is, it needs to have a lot of intertextuality in it that you […]

Prepare an article for the business magazine that reports on, and critically analyses, the objectives, operations and outcomes of a social enterprise or sustainable tourism business or special topic – and include performance data and photos where possible.

2000 words plus illustrations. article on a special topic MY CHOOSEN COMPOANY IS https://wordswithheart.com Scenario A major international business magazine – HBR (Herbert Management Review) – has contracted you to write a ‘profile’ article on either a social enterprise OR a sustainable tourism business OR a special topic. They believe there are some really interesting […]