Are there any sexual behaviors that are now considered “deviant” that may become accepted sexual practices in the future?

Throughout history there have been constant changes of what is considered to be sexually deviant behavior. Are there any sexual behaviors that are now considered “deviant” that may become accepted sexual practices in the future? Give examples and explanations as to why you think these practices will be considered mainstream in the future.

Are there any sexual behaviors that are now considered “deviant” that may become accepted sexual practices in the future?

Throughout history there have been constant changes of what is considered to be sexually deviant behavior. Are there any sexual behaviors that are now considered “deviant” that may become accepted sexual practices in the future? Give examples and explanations as to why you think these practices will be considered mainstream in the future.

How hormones can affect our emotions in everyday life-How do gender stereotypes affect emotional expressiveness?

Emotions-Mainstream social psychology Question 1: How hormones can affect our emotions in everyday life? Question 2: How do gender stereotypes affect emotional expressiveness? You have to write the answers to these two key questions with the help of theories and research in mainstream social psychology. Start by stating the questions and providing a brief, but […]

Discuss When and how do social structures like race, class, gender, sexuality, and age shape the experiences of members of your subculture?

Description SOC 309 RUBRIC: “Subcultural Analysis” Midterm Paper [4 pages max.] DUE: With 15’s work by 12 (midnight) via Canvas [see Syllabus and Assignment for exact due date] ASSIGNMENT PURPOSE: This paper asks you to choose a contemporary subculture (as defined by Dick Hebdige) that you will describe and analyze using term/concepts and theories from […]

Evaluate a recent, mainstream (not written for academics) IR commentary or op-ed article of your choosing.

The point of the assignment is to analyze an International Relations Op-Ed and argue which International Relations theory the author is utilizing based on the arguments they make in the article. The theories you can choose from are: Realism, Liberalism, and Contructivism. Please choose ONE of these theories and make an argument for why that […]

Compare and Contrast Keynes’ and Hayek’s understanding of the ‘political’ in political economy.

What are the limitations of the mainstream approach to economics (especially Adam Smith and Neoclassical economics)? Compare and Contrast Keynes’ and Hayek’s understanding of the ‘political’ in political economy. Provides evidence of research, use of appropriate source and referencing.