Which specific student (or any combination you desire) do you support?

Which specific student (or any combination you desire) do you support? Why? In expressing your response, you need to develop a substantial argument defending your particular position. The essays by Martin Luther King and Malcolm X in The Sixties Papers are relevant sources for this prompt. If you use sources or examples from outside these […]

Explain and explore their experiences with “education.” In what ways are they similar and what are some significant differences-How would each writer define “education”?

1) Looking carefully at the writings of Malcolm X and Richard Wright, it is clear that both consider education to be important. Education, for Malcolm X, takes place in the formal setting of a school and an educational system; education for Wright is what happens when he reads and how he reads in secret and […]

Describe the pull-push of political forces influencing black civil rights activism and the sacrifices of Americans to ensure passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act-the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

The Ballot and the Bullet and the Continuing Relevance of fight for Voting Rights African American Politics ESSAY PROMPT Think about why access to the ballot, a recurring theme in Malcolm X’s “1964 Ballot or the Bullet” talk, is associated with a quest for constitutional protections. Then reply to the following: Malcolm X recognizes the […]