What ethics might be involved in conducting research with religious groups and/or of religious practices?

Option 1: During this course we will be exploring many facets of Anthropology.think it is important to remember those early practitioners of the field who really are responsible for guiding and shaping anthropology into the science it is today. Anthropology has always been about understanding how humans live. Bronislaw Malinowski was considered a master of […]

How might your personal characteristics (gender/race/ethnicity/culture) create opportunities and/or constraints in the field?

What are the main elements of an ethnographic writing style? How are ethnographic texts normaly organized? What makes a good introduction? If you were an anthropologist, what culture/subculture/issue would you like to study or issue would you like to learn about? Why? Where would you need to go to do this study? What would the […]

Which of the observations, generalizations, or hypothesis made by Boas, Malinowski, and Whorf can you use to support the claim that there are no “primitive” languages?Discuss

There is no definitive format or formula besides the maximum number of words except for the recommendation (which I’m adding now) not to write an “essay”. Think of your assignment as a short answer/report about the points made by Boas, Malinowski, and Whorf that could be used to argue that there are no primitive languages. […]