What are some limitations of Antivirus tools used to counter malware.

Wk 2 – Apply: Malware Attacks Assignment Content Malware is one of the most common and concerning sources of incidents for organizations. It is used by hackers to gain entry into networks, elevate privileged and exfiltrate sensitive information such as personal and financial information. As can be seen from this Malware Report from CIS, most […]

What are some of the most common reasons cybercriminals use computer viruses and what can be done to protect against viruses, malware-other malicious content?

Malicious Viruses Cybercrime can include the use of computer viruses to steal personally identifiable information and other sensitive information. In our class discussion this week, answer the following questions: Assess different types of malicious viruses? What are some of the most common reasons cybercriminals use computer viruses and what can be done to protect against […]

What is malware? ( Definition, how does malware work, examples of malware)

What is malware? ( Definition, how does malware work, examples of malware) Case Study: ILOVEYOU work (details about the ILOVEYOU worm and what it is considered one of the worst malware attacks to date) How to remove malware from your operating system (signs your computer is affected, user-friendly software, tips on how to keep your […]