What is the dumb elevator energy requirement of Manhattan?

Math problem rooted in Solar Energy We hinted that even if we covered every rooftop with a solar panel in Manhattan it would bedifficult to meet the energy needs to elevators alone. Estimate how much of Staten Island (% oftotal area of the island) would have to be covered with Solar Panels to 1. Meet […]

What options do you have to challenge the employment contract?

Prepare a case study that requires critical thinking. The case study should include related questions and guiding answers. AMC Corporation has entered into employment contract with a new CEO which includes $140 million compensation a year, reimbursement for private jet and payment of luxurious apartment in Manhattan. You are a shareholder in AMC corporation and […]

What options do you have to challenge the employment contract?

Prepare a case study that requires critical thinking. The case study should include related questions and guiding answers. AMC Corporation has entered into employment contract with a new CEO which includes $140 million compensation a year, reimbursement for private jet and payment of luxurious apartment in Manhattan. You are a shareholder in AMC corporation and […]

Demonstrate a wide range of clustering, estimation, prediction, and classification algorithms to solve a specific program or application.

  2 Marks   Learning Outcome(s): Demonstrate a wide range of clustering, estimation, prediction, and classification algorithms to solve a specific program or application.               Question One By using Cosine Similarity Formula, find the similarity between documents: Document 1 (A) and Document 2 (B), with given value of A […]

Why have you applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and or area of study?

We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. What motivated you to apply to NYU? Why have you applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and or area of study? If you have applied to more than one,also tell us why you are interested in these additional areas […]