Describe the rationale behind the definitions created, and how the adequacy of operational definitions can affect validity and reliability.

Topic: Discrimination in the Workplace Variables and Operational Definitions In order to carry out research, researchers must define variables in terms of the actual procedures that will be used to measure or manipulate them. Operational definitions provide details regarding the procedures needed to measure a variable and if written precisely, can increase the measurement’s reliability […]

Explain how the foods you consume are contributing positively or negatively to your diet and health, highlighting at least 2 specific examples.

You will need to select each nutrient separately and show a different report for each nutrient. You may (but don’t have to) look at these reports if that helps you to get a better overall visual. Examine the carbohydrate content from the reports. Compare your actual intake to the recommended intake. Compare your findings with […]

How was grammar used to narrate the history of slavery in the U.S.? That article is an example of a grammatical analysis.

Grammatical analysis is the study of a text with a focus on how grammar is used to derive meaning. Grammatical analysis can include identifying language patterns (e.g., diction, sentence structure, sentence length, sentence style, active and passive voice) and writing style in relation to the meaning and effect they produce for readers. Think back to […]

How do they deceive others-why do they deceive others Resolution & (optional)

FRQ3 Essay Choose a novel or play (Hamlet) in which a character deceives others. Then, in a well-written essay, analyze the motives for that character’s deception and discuss how the deception contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole. Prompt Breakdown: Topic: “a character who intentionally deceives others”identify a character that lies to, […]