Which manufacturers are in the top five with increased sales?

EXCEL DATA QUESTION The table shows the number of cars sold in the United States from January to November in 2017 and 2018. The top 22 manufacturers, plus others, are also listed. Sales data often is reported in this way to compare current sales to last year’s sales. Using Excel, compare 2017 sales to the […]

Do food manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure consumers read, understand, and follow warnings on food products? Explain your answer.

Eleven million people in the United States are allergic to one or more food ingredients. Each year, 30,000 of these people end up in the emergency room after suffering allergic reactions, and hundreds of them die. Many of these tragic events are tied to poorly written food labels that either fail to identify dangerous allergens […]

Explain who they are and what they do, tying that explanation into what our book and slides say this type of company does.

Category Management Discussion 6 Read Chapter Slides and complete the following: Using Category Management to operate a business isn’t confined to retail chains and Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) (supplier/manufacturers) companies. Other players contribute to design of category plans and their implementation in store. So from all of the players: retailers, CPG companies, wholesalers, distributors, sales […]

What did you learn about the situation by using each method-Did one method offer more conclusive proof than another?

Method Replace this text with your response to the following in 150–225 words (2–3 paragraphs): What conclusions did you reach? What did you learn about the situation by using each method? Did one method offer more conclusive proof than another? The Manufacturer’s Claim Replace this text with your response to the following in 75 words […]

Discuss the nature of social and labor issues that domestic manufacturers will likely face with their international suppliers.

TLMT313/Wk5/Social and Labor Issue Discuss the nature of social and labor issues that domestic manufacturers will likely face with their international suppliers. Why is it important to understand the cultural background of a foreign supplier?  

Whilst Toyota took several decades to develop TPS within the company and many other car manufacturers are still at various stages of catching up, what was it about the Porsche workforce that enabled it to implement the TPS successfully in 5 short years?Discuss

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR PORSCHE (10 points): 1. Beginning in 1977 (p.191), Porsche used the traditional mass production system based on the moving assembly line to produce pure “drivers’ cars” suitable for everyday use albeit at relatively small volumes – a maximum total of 50,000 cars by 1986 (page 195). It was the brand of choice […]

Who do you think should be primarily responsible for cleaning up plastic waste (consumers, tax payers, manufacturers etc)? Explain your reasoning.

Instructions For this assignment, I am going to have you watch the movie Plastic Paradise and complete the corresponding study guide.  Before starting the movie however, please take a stab at answering the first 4 bulleted questions.  Then answer the rest of the questions while watching the video. Once completed write a brief 500- 1000 word Personal Reflection […]