What is your opinion about this study and how it is connected to course and beneficial for you?

Author: Huiyun Lu , Shaojun Jiang , Wenyan Song, Xinguo Ming Assignment Questions: (Marks 15) Read the above case study and answer the following Questions: Question 1: Explain the decision-making approach discussed in this case study (250-300 words) (3-Marks). Question 2: Why supplier selection is a typical multi-criteria decision-making process involving subjectivity and vagueness? (250-300 […]

What is your opinion about this study and how it is connected to course and beneficial for you?

Title: A Rough Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach for Sustainable Supplier Selection under Vague Environment: A Case Study. Author: Huiyun Lu , Shaojun Jiang , Wenyan Song, Xinguo Ming Assignment Questions: (Marks 15) Read the above case study and answer the following Questions: Question 1: Explain the decision-making approach discussed in this case study (250-300 words (3Marks). […]

What research would you conduct to determine why sales are lower?

Conducting Business Research It is important to conduct business research in order to objectively make decisions. Assume you are a supervisor for a manufacturing company, which is experiencing lower sales this year compared to the same period last year. What research would you conduct to determine why sales are lower? What data would you collect […]

Identify all foreign keys in relations you identified in Question 3 and justify your decisions.

Draw the preliminary class diagram for the system described in the following requirements (the cardinality of the relationships is optional). Question Two Redraw the following class diagram into the equivalent E-R diagram. Question Three Convert the following E-R diagram, which represent a manufacturing system into relations. Make sure to specify all the primary keys. Question […]

Why Manufacturing Companies adopted Lean Thinking and the JIT model?

Why Manufacturing Companies adopted Lean Thinking and the JIT model? (3.5 Marks) Discuss major types of Waste, why overproduction is the biggest waste companies have to keep in mind during production.(3.5 Marks) Assess the reasons for using lean thinking (suitable examples), what are the benefits from Suppliers to end users? (3.5 Marks) With the advent […]

How intellectual property law might be used to protect against competitors copying the shoes or aspects of the shoes.

What you should do as intellectual property counsel for a company You are the intellectual property counsel for a company that sells shoes. The designers at your company have just designed a pair of shoes that they are excited for the company to begin manufacturing and selling. These shoes are highly unique because they look […]

Discuss major types of Waste, why overproduction is the biggest waste companies have to keep in mind during production.

Question: Why Manufacturing Companies adopted Lean Thinking and the JIT model? (3.5 Marks) Discuss major types of Waste, why overproduction is the biggest waste companies have to keep in mind during production. (3.5 Marks) Assess the reasons for using lean thinking (suitable examples), what are the benefits from Suppliers to end users? (3.5 Marks) With […]

What do you mean by Variable and Absorption Costing? Explain both with suitable example.

Assignment Question(s):(Marks 15) Q1.  What is the difference between the product cost and period cost? Give some examples for each type [2 marks] Q 2. What do you mean by Variable and Absorption Costing? Explain both with suitable example.[2 marks] Q3. In cost accounting, direct costs are easily and economically traced to cost object. On […]

How does risk impact decision-making? List the types of risk that impact business decision-making and provide suitable examples for each type of risk in the context of an organization.

Q1. How does risk impact decision-making? List the types of risk that impact business decision-making and provide suitable examples for each type of risk in the context of an organization. (3 Marks) Note: Your answer must include suitable examples for each type of risk.(Week 2, Chapter 1) Answer: Q2. Suppose that you are working in […]

What do you understand by lean manufacturing system?

5.1Learning Outcomes: Implement technological tools in production models like forecasting, lean manufacturing and world class manufacturing (WCM) to enhance the productivity and communication with other persons involving in operation and to review their contribution to the profit. 5.2 Action Required: Watch the short video in the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OL7BMBa4ys  Test your Knowledge (Question): Q What […]