Briefly Describe why the film had a strong impact on you.

Choose ONE scene from any movie you have seen in class to-date and explain why it affected you. This might include your altered/new understanding of a political issue, sense of injustice or emotional reaction for example. You might not have agreed with a particular film’s message. It is entirely fine to discuss this as well. […]

What is culturally Relevant Teaching and how does it relate to critical dance pedagogy and critical race theory?

Culturally Responsive Dance Education- This is required. Read Chapter 1, What is Culturally Relevant Teaching? Review Critical Race Theory and The Arts Link: From BOTH readings, answer the following questions: ~What is culturally Relevant Teaching and how does it relate to critical dance pedagogy and critical race theory? ~What are some of the pitfalls […]

What factors might make it difficult for social workers to be unprejudiced with dealing with clients who have experienced this type of trauma and who seek services?

Integrative Reflection Paper/Biological Impact of Trauma The purpose of this paper is to integrate course material (lecture, readings, discussions) with your own reactions to and ideas about the topics, as well as with your field placement and employment experiences as they relate. The paper is expected to demonstrate comprehension, synthesis, and application of all of […]

What is the name of the company-what motivated them to be active on this pursuit?Did they make a business case for their strategies?

Disability Part 1For this assignment you are to do a “deeper dive” into one of the “Five CompaniesWorking towards Disability Inclusion” reading assignment located on canvas.Answer the following questions:1.) What is the name of the company and what motivated them to be active on thispursuit? Did they make a business case for their strategies?2.) What […]

What is the “bitch or butch” marginalization mentioned in “Media Coverage and Female Athletes” about?

Soc Discussion writing 1.Why, in your opinion, do people believe that sex sells in sports? 2.What does the research show about the effects of sexualization in sports? (see second video) 3.”Forty percent of all athletes are women, but only 4% are represented in the media.” Do you see similar patterns in other social institutions? What […]

Which of the four modes above best characterizes the orientation adopted by the host culture in your experience? 

Description Acculturation Strategies and Host Culture Orientations: This activity encourages you to use the notion of acculturation strategies and host culture orientations to reflect on a personal experience. Q1: Think about an experience you have had acculturating, or adjusting, to another culture. You may have traveled outside of your country or to an unfamiliar region […]