Does the possible mind-altering effects of marijuana use in whatever form by an increased number of people cause concern?

Social Work Multiple states have legalized the use of marijuana for medical treatment. Some have legalized the recreational use of marijuana in various forms. There is current research into the use of marijuana and THC based products as part of a Medication Assisted Treatment program to avoid use of other illicit substances. Discuss your views […]

Research any social, governmental, or political event that has occurred within 2023.

GOVT2305 ques WATCH THE VIDEO BEFORE STARTING Current Events Project: Research any social, governmental, or political event that has occurred within 2023. You may find an event that has happened within any of these governments- federal, local or state within the You may not write about news outside of the U.S. You may not complete […]

What are your thoughts on the legalization of marijuana?

CJA 443 W2 DB Question 1: How does affirmative action laws affect policing? Do they improve policing? How or how not? Question 2: Review why the legalization of marijuana in several states is forcing many police leaders to modify their views and practices regarding its use. What are your thoughts on the legalization of marijuana? […]

What are some of the ethical concerns of which you would be mindful?

Discussion 1: Some believe that the federal government should have final say in legislation, while others believe that state should have final say. Using legalization of marijuana as an example, what reasons might someone who supports states’ power offer to support their belief? Are there reasons to believe otherwise? What are they? Disscusion 2: In […]

Who is Joe Jacobs supplier of marijuana and what is the address of the supplier?

The Nowheresville Police Department requests your assistance in the investigation of Joe Jacobs and the suspected solicitation and distribution of contraband. Our officers have obtained digital evidence provided on this USB flash drive presented to you. We respectfully request a report to be presented to the Department no later than December 10, 2022 to highlight […]

Does your answer change from a Christian worldview perspective?

Review the United States Supreme Court decision in Maryland v. Garrison, 480 U.S. 79 (1987). After reviewing that decision, write an original post that analyzes the following factual scenario: A warrant specifies a search for Marijuana and other drugs in the second-floor dwelling of a yellow and red house located at 315 Anderson Street in […]

What scientific evidence supports your position?

Choose a health; Policy from the list below, or another approved topic of your choosing, and present an opinion paper based in solid scientific evidence. Policies you may choose from include (but are not limited to): Childhood obesity prevention programs in schools Limiting or banning sale of super-sized sodas in restaurants Limiting or banning sale […]

Briefly, how does marijuana allow us to live in the present, according to Pollan?

Write a 300 word or so essay that examines one of the questions listed below. (Again, 300 words is NOT a word “limit,” but just a guideline, something to shoot for when you are writing.) The idea behind this writing assignment is to explore Pollan’s thinking with regard to the effects of marijuana smoking. So, […]